As much as I enjoy the holidays, I also like getting back into the routine afterward. Brendan started back to school on Thursday but he stayed home on Friday. He gave us a little scare.
Friday morning, as he was dressing, Brendan got a nose bleed. While he and Bill were in the bathroom stopping the bleeding, Brendan said, "I think I'm going to go to sleep," and fainted in Bill's arms. Thankfully, we were both there to reassure him when he woke up a few seconds later.
At ten years old, I wouldn't think I'd have to monitor what he ate and drank so much, but Brendan has complained of an upset stomach off and on for over a year now. He doesn't like to eat much for breakfast, and obviously didn't drink enough on the flight home. I'm not sure if it was the sight of blood or low blood sugar that caused him to pass out, but I'm watching him much closer now. He told me that he lost weight while we were in San Antonio, which seems impossible to me, since we ate so much wonderful food.
Now, he doesn't want to go to bed, because he doesn't want to wake up and faint. He doesn't want to eat because his tummy hurts, but he could pass out if he runs out of fuel. How did I raise such a worrier? More concerning, is there really something to this? I've put him on multi-vitamins, push fluids whenever he's at home, and stocked up on his favorite healthy snacks. If it happens again, we'll go see the GP.
So at least for today, I'm enjoying the solidute and a chance to have some time in front of the computer. Ask me tomorrow; I may be bored stiff.