Friday, 18 May 2007

UK Top Ten

I've been looking back over my journal entries from when we first moved to England three years ago. Here's an entry I particularly like. It still holds true today.

Top Ten Things We Like About England

1. Brendan’s new best mate named Ben
2. My silver Mini
3. The exchange rate when we visit America
4. Brendan’s school
5. Business trips to South Africa
6. Lots of school breaks
7. Paris, Rome, London trips
8. Cadbury chocolate
9. New friends, both American and English
10. Tuesday night church bell-ringing practice

Top Ten Things We Don’t Like About England

1. Roundabouts
2. Dark, wet winter days
3. National Health Care
4. English food
5. Small parking spaces
6. No good Mexican food
7. Missing friends and family back home
8. English football and rugby fanatics
9. Getting new movies six months after America
10. Cars stopped/parked in the road because there isn’t enough parking