Way back at Christmas, I submitted a manuscript called, A Pumpkin Named Jack, to ABC Picture Book Competition (www.bookcompetition.org). When I returned from holiday, I had an email message that said that I was one of the finalists! There were 125 entries from around the country, and they picked 12 finalists.
The next phase of the competition is online voting by any and all people I know. An illustrator (which I hope they’ll let me do) will produce a piece of art to compliment the story, and then for two weeks in September, the voting happens. The winner gets a publishing contract and 1000 books to sell at school visits, etc… It's a small competition yet, as it's only in it's third year, which means I have a much better chance of getting published than just sending the manuscript to publishing companies hoping they'll take a look at it.
I shared this story with Brendan’s schoolmates during Book Week last fall. I would love for them to see it in print.
So, stay tuned. I’ll be asking you to ask all of your family, friends and acquaintances and anyone I meet on the street to vote online soon.