Before I get started on this topic, I'll try to upload the Bermuda photos that didn't make it last time.
I have to brag on Brendan.
We went snorkeling in Bermuda - only his second time, with a company called Jesse James Tours. They picked us up in what they promised was an unsinkable Coast Guard boat, but it looked like an oversize dingy to me. Turned out to be easy to slip over the edge into the water.
Anyway, Brendan did fine at the shallow practice dive, but he was noticably nervous when we got to the outer reef to dive two ship wrecks. The water was pretty rough. Thankfully, we were given noodles to help us float and clinging to Bill's and my hand, Brendan faced his fear and won. The spot was great, and it was easier to have your head under the water than out. We saw the old paddle-wheel off of one ship and the spilled cargo of the other - bags of concrete, that made an instant paved highway on the sea floor. The fish and formations were amazing. And they threw out some kitty chow at the end to attract huge schools! We could reach out and touch the fish!
The last dive spot was the best. James called it "The Underwater Garden." I think it is one of the best dive spots we've been to, not only for the abundance and variety of fish, but for the coral formations as well. It did look like a garden. I'm glad Brendan got a chance to see it. Now he wants to conquer scuba diving.
Now - back to business.
I said in an earlier blog that there was a possibility that I might illustrate another finalist's manuscript, but as it turns out, I'm being allowed to do my OWN! I'm thrilled, and somewhat scared. I've never done a full book before, but I keep reminding myself to start with baby steps. By the end of August, I have to complete ONE piece of art. If I win, then I'll do 16-18 two-page spreads by the end of May.
So...now that I don't have a separate illustrator to drum up support from family and friends, I really need your help. If you have any pull with parents, teachers, librarians who work with 4-8 year olds, please ask them to vote - perhaps make it an event at school (?) The voting starts September 16 and runs til the 30th. The winner will be announced on October 8. If you want to see past winners (this is the third year) go to http://www.abcbookcompetition.org/ and bookmark it for September's voting!