I'm back! I took the whole month of December off, and didn't do much writing at all. But as with every resolutions, I'll start off strong and see how long it lasts.
Brendan got this cool new contraption for Christmas, which I recommended, from his aunts. It has two caster wheels on the bottom. And since it looked so dangerous, we made him put on all his safety gear.
He took to it like a fish to water. He has the technique down within a hour. I couldn't believe it, but was still very cautious.
Then, after the new year and our trip to Florida, Brendan wanted to ride his old skateboard. He took it down to the basketball court, the one with the smooth surface, without his gear, hit a rock an broke his wrist when he fell off! He says he wasn't even doing any tricks!
So we spent Sunday at an Urgent Care getting X-rays and a splint. He's been so brave, working through the pain I think because he feels guilty that he hadn't worn his gear, like we always ask him to. He got extremely confident on the ripstick and the skateboard felt totally different.
So here's my warning to you - no matter how much they complain, make them wear their gear! It's kinda cool that Brendan has this badge of courage - every kid should break a bone, but it could have been prevented.