Here it is. Our home. Spacious, huh? We got it backed in and set up for a total of two days before we packed it up again and pulled it out to go to the coast. That first weekend, I noticed that it took me twice as long to get ready in that tiny space, and I had to remember where I put everything. But over all, it's comfy enough. Behind the trailer is a field where about five deer, including a spotted fawn, come every morning begging for corn. How many people can say that?

We're at South Padre Island now. Next week, we're going to Bermuda, and Florida after that. We're not driving to either of those. By the end of the summer, we should have topped up our sun tanks, they've been depleted for three years, and have great tans, too. Brendan has enjoyed boogie boarding in the surf and I've collected some great shells with my parents. Bill finally got to use his metal detector.