Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Christmas is Coming!

Seems like the world has decided to skip over Thanksgiving and get right to Christmas. Retailers are so worried about low profits that they've started their ads now, and a local radio station has already switched to an "all Christmas music" format for the duration.

While I love Christmas and can't wait to get to the celebrating, I think it will be interesting to see how people will adjust this year. With less to spend, they may actually rediscover the real meaning, and spend more time with relatives and loved ones than money. I can see the spoiled consumer in my son disappointed that he will be receiving fewer gifts this year from family members, and the price limit is lower. On my side of the family,we are exchanging gifts amongst the grandchildren, and adults are doing a white elephant exchange, which gives the opportunity for regifting and homemade gifts. But then, my family grew up making presents and shopping at the Five and Dime for inexpensive gifts.

We will still enjoy our precious few days together, but since most of the money will be spent on traveling to our parents' house (don't get me started on the airlines), we'll redefine our visit by reading the story of Christ's birth, re-enacting it with the manger scene that I loved unpacking as a child, and singing Christmas carols, which somehow got lost in previous years amongst all the discarded Christmas wrapping paper.

I pray that this time of year doesn't leave you too stressed, and that you might consider leaving some money in your pocket, yet have a richer holiday by getting back to basics. Attend a Christmas eve service, or drive through a live nativity, and light the fire of hope in your life that Christ was born to die for you - the ultimate gift from our loving father. Merry Christmas.