Friday, 20 March 2009

The second day of Spring!

I love Spring! Yesterday, I sat in the hammock under dappled sunlight, watching the squirrels play chase in the trees and listening to birdsong. I tried to read, but my mind kept wandering. Does life get any better than this?

I've finished the pencil illustrations for the poetry book, and just in time. Substituting has picked up a lot. I try to take every offer I can since I know it will slack off in April when the dreaded TAKS tests take place. I'm practically a regular there.

So, I don't feel too guilty when I say I'm looking forward to a week away. Brendan just turned 13, so we decided to take probably our last trip to DisneyWorld. I can't imagine he'll want to go again... at least with his parents. Hopefully our week is late enough that the crowds have dispersed and we won't have to wait the 2.5 hours in line that Bill has been reading about on the message boards. It will be near 80 degrees every day. My white skin will get some much-needed sun. And, we finally get to ride all the big rollercoasters Brendan couldn't ride before, much to Bill's chagrin.

When I get back, I have a new opportunity to do some contract graphics work for a woman my parents introduced me to. Thanks, Mom and Dad! I'm looking forward to a new(old) creative outlet and the challenge. It's exciting and a little scary to resurrect long-sleeping skills that I never thought I'd use again professionally.

My family is healthy! We're going on vacation! Spring is here! Life is good! God is good!