This morning was the type of morning that the English live for, especially after a long dreary winter; except it autumn in Texas. It was clear and cool and dry, and about 56 degrees F. It was so cool I had to pull on some track bottoms and a jacket to take Brendan to school. I didn't even break a sweat during my half-hour walk (well I got a little moist on my back). My face still turned red, but it didn't have sweat dripping off of it. This is why I love Fall in Texas.
Brendan and I spent some time in the pumpkin patch at the Methodist church we attend after Sunday service and got a photo of him, like I used to do every year. I got out of the habit when we took our RV trip around the US and when we lived in England, because I couldn't find a pumpkin patch there. Of course this one is man-made with pumpkins hauled in from another state, but we made the most of it. We spent some time looking for all the characters in A Pumpkin Named Jack. We couldn't find Lumina, or Big Max, but we did find Munchkin, Sugar and several pretty passable Jacks, none as awkward as I imagine him.
Brendan has decided that his Halloween costume this year will be a skaterboy who's had too many accidents. We've made fake wounds, scabs and scars and he and Bill are trying to make a compound fracture out of chicken bones. Happy Halloween!
Fellow ABC finalist here. Was wondering if you have an on-line crit group or if you were interested in joining one. Email me if you get a chance.
goadingthepen at yahoo dot com
Cool...compound fracture!! Let me know how that turns out. I want to see pictures! Care to share the recipe?
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