Two entries in one day. But I couldn't let this pass. Life is not all about me. I needed to brag on my son.
Last night, Bill and I went to see Brendan perform in his school play. He was the title character called Roll, in Sheik, Rattle and Roll. He's a wise man who does a lot of sleeping through the scenes and provides comic relief. I never thought Brendan was the drama type. He's pretty shy and doesn't enjoy performing in front of people. But, he tried out and was assigned this part. Ben, his best mate, plays Sheik. I went to the day performance, too, which was less crowded and more laid-back, to videotape the play for our families. So, between the two, I got to see him at his best. Ben had more lines, and sang a solo, but Brendan was right in there, pulling the gags and delivering the lines with confidence - and singing.
His school is so small that all the students in years 3 through 6 participated. Some were sheep. Some were stars. There were lots of angels. But there was only one Roll. He was unique and special. I was so proud! He's way too cool to be my kid.
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