Since we were staying at our parents's houses and there were many people vying for computer time, I didn't get to blog while we were away for Christmas and New Years. So, I'll have to catch you up in chunks, as I remember them, with the aid of some photos.
We had an amazing time laughing, playing and eating with our families. Every year we are overwhelmed with hospitality and food! And we try to see and do and eat as much as we can in the amount of time we have.
Most importantly, everyone is healthy and happy. However, Dad is having another tumor removed from his bladder, plus some repair work, on Thursday. The doctor doesn't seem concerned, or a least Dad's playing it down. Please pray for him.
Bill and I came home with colds. I'm sure mine started with my moutain cedar allergy, and can't decide between settling in my sinuses or chest. Bill is running a fever with his, and stayed home from work to try to recover quickly.
We're beginning to feel almost normal again after the jet lag. I went to Tescos yesterday after showering and changing clothes, but I felt like a zombie. I ran into a friend who wanted to chat. I was so non-responsive. My body was there, but my mind was asleep. Sorry.
It's always a little disappointing to come home and have to take the tree down by myself. Brendan will be back to school tomorrow. At least the three suitcases of laundry is washed, folded and ironed, and we have food in the fridge. I'll put on some Christmas music and make it as festive a take-down as it was a put-up.

(I'm not sure about copyright laws, so you have to buy the mag to see the instructions.)
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